Monday, April 05, 2010
Silly Things We Do...As New Parents
Okay, perhaps I should say "Silly things I do as a new parent".
1. I take special care in washing my dear daughter's special toys and hanging them to dry. Have you ever seen a bee on a line before?
2. On Easter weekend, I took her to the egg hunt in our township.
Yeah, she's 16 months old and doesn't know what an Easter egg hunt is. She doesn't even know what an Easter egg is! Why did I take her? I don't know. Just to get her used to the idea, perhaps? Maybe just so she could get out there with all of the other kids? I thought she'd have fun...and she did. She only found one egg since all the big kids were faster and got them all. She didn't care though. She was tickled pink by her lone egg.
3. We had an Easter egg hunt just for her.
Ha! She's still too young to hunt for eggs. She didn't know what to do, but when Grampy showed her that there were toys and chocolate to be found, she quickly caught on! FYI: Hubby and I don't let Little One eat sugar and we were hoping that she wouldn't have her first taste of chocolate until after she turned 2 or 3. Ummm...Too late. Apparently, she's had chocolate without us knowing! We were told that she had no adverse reactions. Note to self: Grandparents are so different with grandkids than they are with their own kids.
4. Silly of me to dress Little One in her "Sunday Best" and think that she won't get dirty when she eats. You've all seen the kid eat lasagna! You know she's all about getting as much food on herself as possible.

5. Bunny ears! Need I say more? My poor kid is going to be mortified years from now when she sees photos of her wearing fluffy bunny ears. I admit, I thought it would be cute. Now I think it's kind ofsilly ridiculous stupid lame.
6. It's foolish of us to get all in a huff when Little One gets her hands on EVERYTHING she's not supposed to touch...especially when it's our own fault for having so many "do not touch!" items within perfect reach/height for her busy little hands to grab.
This was not my house. :) Lola and Grampy have lots of lovely nick knacks from all over the world...and they're all conveniently located for babies and toddlers. Actually, Little One's family doctor once told me to get on my knees and crawl around the house as a baby would. That way we could see the world from their perspective and know how and what to baby-proof! Smart man.
7. Another silly thing I find myself doing as a new Mom is baking and decorating cupcakes at 2AM for my daughter's friends! Silly because her friends are also toddlers and probably shouldn't be eating cupcakes and icing! I don't let Little One eat sugar, so perhaps Little One's friends don't either.
Okay, perhaps what's sillier is that I was up at 2AM!
1. I take special care in washing my dear daughter's special toys and hanging them to dry. Have you ever seen a bee on a line before?
2. On Easter weekend, I took her to the egg hunt in our township.
3. We had an Easter egg hunt just for her.
4. Silly of me to dress Little One in her "Sunday Best" and think that she won't get dirty when she eats. You've all seen the kid eat lasagna! You know she's all about getting as much food on herself as possible.
5. Bunny ears! Need I say more? My poor kid is going to be mortified years from now when she sees photos of her wearing fluffy bunny ears. I admit, I thought it would be cute. Now I think it's kind of
6. It's foolish of us to get all in a huff when Little One gets her hands on EVERYTHING she's not supposed to touch...especially when it's our own fault for having so many "do not touch!" items within perfect reach/height for her busy little hands to grab.
7. Another silly thing I find myself doing as a new Mom is baking and decorating cupcakes at 2AM for my daughter's friends! Silly because her friends are also toddlers and probably shouldn't be eating cupcakes and icing! I don't let Little One eat sugar, so perhaps Little One's friends don't either.
Okay, perhaps what's sillier is that I was up at 2AM!
100 self-taught things,
Cupcake Decorating 101,
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About the Blog Author
City girl moves to the country, falls in love, and marries a farmer. She tries to incorporate her city ways with her new country lifestyle and blogs to keep in touch with friends, family & students who live far, far away :) Can this city girl go country? Watch as she learns all sorts of exciting things about life on the farm and in a small rural community. *UPDATE* We are now parents! Our baby girl was born on Nov. 11, 2008 (at 28 weeks gestation- 12 weeks premature, but she's quite the trooper)!!!

sigh... both sets of grandparents live in my town... i used to get unglued about sugar, etc... but now i mostly roll with it.. when something does disagree with me, i say it and they listen! haha
my 1st didn't get sugar till 2 yrs... super mom, then the 2nd one came, and i think he had it before 1. c'est la vie.. some won't hurt.... life is full of curves and no parent is perfect and why would anyone want to be,,, way way too boring=)
your daughter is perfect, and i think the bunny ears are just right!
looks like you all had a great easter. the kids had a great time - thanks for emailing me the recipie; everyone loved the cupcakes.
and my kids all had sugar before 2 and they're fine. just wait till you have baby #2 anmd all these lofty parenting ideas will just go straight down the drain and out the window! {{{{{{{{{lol}}}}}}}}}}
just wait. instead of that steelcut oats or healthy cereal your giving her, she'll be eating fruit loops like my kids. its inevitible. you'll see! :0)
first off, little one is beautiful.
secondly, the bunny ears rock! how else are you going humiliate her when she's 16 years old and brings her first boyfriend home? pics like that I tell ya!
C, you are such an awesome parent. Little one will appreciate all these when she is all grown up.
Happ Easter!
Love the pictures. :) I love her Sunday Best outfit, and the picture of her in the bunny ears is not at all lame. Totally cute. I have pictures of Maya dressed as a clown when she was about 7 months old. CUTE.
Grandparents rock. They balance us out. And when you're the grandparent, you can make cupcakes for your grandchildren. ;)
Funny you should mention that! :) My Dad gave Little One a piece of chocolate Easter egg and I was like, "Mehhh...It's okay." LOL! I guess a little piece won't kill her.
Thank you for your compliment :) Your two boys are perfect too! What handsome kids you have!! xo
P.S. Did you end up going to the Easter Egg Hunt in "town"? We were going to try to make it to that one too, but only ended up making it to the one in our township. It started at 1PM and ended at 1:02. I'm not kidding! LOL!
Ahhhh...Fruit Loops! No way! LOL! She's NEVER eating Fruit Loops...EVER! ;) Well, at least not in our house. I won't buy them. I figure if I don't buy them, she won't know the difference. She won't know what she's missing if she never has it. Then again, she'll probably end up finding out about Fruit Loops when she goes to school or to friends' houses. Oh, well! LOL!
Tee hee! That's for sure! I'll have to put together a box of pics just for that very purpose. The photos for showing boyfriend box! ;)
Thank you so much. You know, your comment just brightened up my day. I guess it's nice to hear that every once in a while. :)
Hope you guys had a great Easter. Big hugs for your adorable boys! XO
You are so right. I had to chuckle when I read the last part of your comment. I *WILL* bake cupcakes for my grandkids. Cupcakes with icing! Then I'll send the grandkids back to their parents. ;)