Saturday, May 01, 2010
“Our life is frittered away by detail… Simplify, simplify!”
- Henry David Thoreau
The past few weeks have been an eye opener for me. My husband and some of my good friends have pointed out that Hubby and I just do too much. We're both involved with several committees, groups, and organizations. It's not that we feel we need to be crazy busy all the time, but because we feel it enriches our life and our community. On top of this, we've got the farm. The animals, farm chores, equipment breakdowns, and everything else keep us busy. We both have work off the farm too. Hubby has taken on a few jobs off the farm to support the farm. I've taken time off teaching so I can raise our toddler. Hubby and I believe that it is important for me to raise her/take care of her at home for as long as I can. I've been busy working from home doing freelance work, and just as well. I don't know how I'd be able to help with the farm, help my husband with other jobs (wood orders, running around the Island retrieving parts for broken down tractors or finding a circuit board for a saw mill that wants to be fussy), take care of the household duties, take care of the baby and work full time outside of the house. As it is, it's already a lot for me to handle.
Part time/occasional teaching would suit me just fine for now. I've spoken to some of my other mommy friends (who happen to be teachers, government workers, nurses, social workers, etc) about this very topic. For me, teaching is a very important part of my life...but my daughter is more important. When she's a little older, I would definitely work out of the home full time again. It's just that these early years of our daughter's life are so very important. They go by quickly, and it's such a small fraction of their lives. These are times one can never get back. I don't want to miss this. Plus, I believe the first few years lay the foundation of our child's development and what kind of person she may become. That's why they're called the formative years.
With all the changes, we're trying to simplify our lives. We live in a life of excess. We live in a life of "too much". We have too much "stuff". Our house needs to be purged of all the things we don't need. There really is a difference between wants and needs. We just have to recognize what it is that we actually need. We have too many things we're involved with (groups, organizations, committees...). We have too many obligations to other people and not enough time for us as a family. I spend a good portion of my time with Little One, but between Hubby and myself, we're both so busy that we rarely spend time as a family...just the three of us.
Of course, Hubby and I are both unable to say no to people who need our help. This often results in us not getting our work done in a timely fashion. I hate to say this, because it's totally not something I believe in or feel I can do, but sometimes I think it would be easier to just be selfish.
Since we're working on simplifying things, I've also stripped the blog of clutter and unnecessary details. At first, I thought the new make-over looked kind of plain and blah. I actually kind of like it this way though.
Purged of all the clutter and unnecessary "stuff".
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About the Blog Author
City girl moves to the country, falls in love, and marries a farmer. She tries to incorporate her city ways with her new country lifestyle and blogs to keep in touch with friends, family & students who live far, far away :) Can this city girl go country? Watch as she learns all sorts of exciting things about life on the farm and in a small rural community. *UPDATE* We are now parents! Our baby girl was born on Nov. 11, 2008 (at 28 weeks gestation- 12 weeks premature, but she's quite the trooper)!!!

Good work, hun.
I love the look C!
You and the hubs have a LOT on your plate - my goodness! And with the baby girl who I know can be all encompassing and it's wonderful that you can be there for her. You'll know when you're ready to work full-time again (not that being a Mom isn't a full time job in itself, who are we kidding?). I look back at the almost 5 years I had with both of the kids, working only when I really wanted to. A part of me is still wistful of that period in my life - I'm so glad I have it, and so glad that I have my blog to show for it- amazing to see how my kids have grown, esp. now that baby#1 is no longer a baby.
i like it chris. simple's good. ya u need to cut down on the amount of stuff u do. i don't know how u do it. we have 3 kids and no time for comittees and groups..i don't help my husby; i have too many things to do as it is.
Good for you Christine!
The simple life is really very satisfying and you and the family deserve it! You go girl!!
Looks good!
Funny that you should write this post but I too have decided we have too much clutter. Living in the same house for 38 years can result in cupboards full of 'things'.
I have a niece going on a school exchange and trying to raise money so I am sorting out items for her garage sale. But its hard to be ruthless!
Being ruthless with your time and saying 'No' is even harder.
C, I love the new look too! I can totally relate to your post. Too many commitments, too many groups, too much stuff.... I have it too and not only does it take away from family time I think it also is a distraction when family time is available, for me anyway. Some of my volunteer stuff is coming to an end in May and I am looking forward to a bit less responsibility.
Simplicity is king!
ps thanks for your comments over at my blog, I am so grateful for your thoughts and support.
Love it!
My big thing is that we have to spend time as a family... even if we are just outside together, i always point out to DH that we need to be together, not me having my 'me time' which i often forego as I feel it is too important for the kids to see us together as a family. They always have me, and when I go out occasionally to meetings, they have bob ,which is good, but they need to see us together as a family. My friends all know actually not to come by on weekends, as that is 'family time'. And i am pretty serious about that. We went to every hockey practice together and game this year, 99% anyway. Bob had to miss a few, due to work. But instead of just one parent taking them, we both went, which I have learned is completely unheard of. And I sat on that cold bench the whole practice, every practice and watched my kids. That's why I am a mom. Alot of times it was by myself as everyone went into the warm canteen to hang out. Not me=) And you know what, I think you would do the exact same thing=)We never take being a mom for granted, not for one second.
Thank you :)
You are so right about the being with the kids and working when you wanted to. It's great to be able to have that. Time really does fly by too quickly.
True :) We do need to cut down on a few things.
love it! simplicity is never a bad thing...and a little selfishness when it comes to benefitting the family is always a good thing too!