Friday, July 20, 2007

Fun Friday

Today started out sad because my cousins had to leave for Montreal after a five day stay on the island. I always get so sad when my family and friends have to return to their respective homes and I just feel like something is missing when they go. The house gets so quiet, and I don't have to play 'tour guide' anymore. You have to understand that I come from a very large (and loud) closely-knit family. If there aren't a dozen people in the house all talking at the same time and if there aren't never ending meals to prepare or never ending piles of dishes to wash...then it's not 'home'. I'm used to sharing my space with my loved ones and I really, really miss them when they go home.

At least I have my students and my nieces to keep me busy. The kids just cracked me up this morning when we were studying "Question forms" (who, what, where, when, why, how). All the laughter in the room just made everything seem all bright and cheery again. We were also lucky that today was a spectacular day. It was warm, sunny, and the sky was a beautiful shade of blue with puffy, soft white clouds.

We spent the afternoon at the Bridal Veil Falls. The kids went swimming under the falls and had a lot of fun! After nearly four hours of baking in the sun, we took a little stroll on the hiking trails and I had the kids collect 5 leaves and 5 flowers each. I had bought enough canvasses and paint for all the kids to do some nature painting. They used what they found to create nature art. We then went for a scenic drive around Kagawong and then had to get home in time to cook supper.

All I did was baked some chicken and the students and one of my nieces did the rest. The girls made cucumber salad and the boys made rice. I also cut up some cantaloupe for dessert. It is so much fun having the students and my nieces at our house. There is never a dull moment! The kids are so well behaved and sooooo polite and respectful!

Those of you who know my sister-in-law, know how amazing she is. If I think my life is crazy busy, I'm not nearly as busy as my sister-in-law! Anyway, my wonderful sister-in-law came to pick up the kids and she is having my students over tonight for a camp out! Tonight Hubby and I have a children-free night! Wooooo hooooo! ;) What are we going to do with no kids in the house, you ask???? Hehehe...We're going to....sleep!!!

So sad...I know! What's even sadder is that I think I'm going to just be doing laundry, cleaning and gardening tomorrow while the kids are still at my sister-in-law's. I would like to go to the Farmer's Market and go on the Art Tour though. We'll see...

PS. Photos to be posted at a later date.


Heidi said...

Ha ha ha!!! I'm first this time!!

Ahem.. Anyway, don't worry, I'll be dropping by soon enough! Think you might be able to swing by Toronto for lunch coming Tuesday?

Uncivil said...

I love reading your posts. Whenever I get the blues......I just come here to your world and it brightens my day.
You give me hope for humanity!LOL:)

Unknown said...

CK: Ohhhhhhhh!!! You guys are all meeting up for lunch on Tuesday??? Wahhhhhhhh!!! LOL! I don't think I'll be able to make it. We've scheduled a Science North trip and a boat ride to Tobermory trip for this week with the students! :( I'm not sure when I'll be in Toronto next. It'll probably be sometime in the fall. You'll have left TO by then though. I'm so sad!! :(

You are soooooooo sweet! :)

Cherry said...

I'm looking forward to the pictures. I especially want to see the nature art the kids did. You are so creative and great with those kids.

Anonymous said...

Yumm...chicken!! Rice!! Cantouloupe!! Cucucmber! Sounds great I miss chicken!!!

Karen MEG said...

It's unbelievable how much you're exposing your students too - what a life-enriching experience for them, I'm sure they'll treasure as they get older; wonderful memories are being made during their time with you.
I'm so used to seeing and hearing so much about your family, it seems that they're always around! It's nice that you have so many visitors; what are you going to do with yourselves without all the kids LOL! Sometimes it's nice to do all those things on your own. Hubby spent all day gardening today and he was in a fantastic mood. He's cooking for us now (so lucky, I know it!)

Karen MEG said...

It's unbelievable how much you're exposing your students too - what a life-enriching experience for them, I'm sure they'll treasure as they get older; wonderful memories are being made during their time with you.
I'm so used to seeing and hearing so much about your family, it seems that they're always around! It's nice that you have so many visitors; what are you going to do with yourselves without all the kids LOL! Sometimes it's nice to do all those things on your own. Hubby spent all day gardening today and he was in a fantastic mood. He's cooking for us now (so lucky, I know it!)

Ms. Mamma said...

What Uncivil said. You are such an inspiring person. You are magnificent! You bring so much joy to those around you and to those who find your blog!

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City girl moves to the country, falls in love, and marries a farmer. She tries to incorporate her city ways with her new country lifestyle and blogs to keep in touch with friends, family & students who live far, far away :) Can this city girl go country? Watch as she learns all sorts of exciting things about life on the farm and in a small rural community. *UPDATE* We are now parents! Our baby girl was born on Nov. 11, 2008 (at 28 weeks gestation- 12 weeks premature, but she's quite the trooper)!!!
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Life on Manitoulin: Just a bunch of ramblings from a city girl gone country!

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