Thursday, May 28, 2009
Oh, No! He Proposed!!!
Okay, in my last post I revealed my inner geek. In this post, you'll see just how much a geek I really am.
I was watching the news with Hubby and Little One, when it was announced that Archie has just proposed to Veronica! Yes, I mean Archie as in Archie, Betty, and Veronica!
BAH!!! I've always liked Betty more and was hoping that she and Archie would end up together. *sigh*
Tell me that you didn't grow up collecting or reading Archie comics or Archie Digests!?
Did you think he'd choose Veronica over Betty? To celebrate the 600th issue of the popular comic, readers will see Archie Marries Veronica Part 1: The Proposal . The issue will be the first of a six part series. I guess anything can happen. Perhaps things will go awry as they always do in Archie comics, and he'll somehow end up realizing that it was Betty all along? That would be too predictable, wouldn't it?
I can't believe I'm blogging about fictional comic book characters. Just out of curiosity (I know some of you really don't care either way. Fictional characters...I know!), who do you think Archie should marry? Betty? Veronica? Neither?
Speaking of REAL weddings, remember the wedding I attended in Montreal the other week? The photographer's photos are up and boy, is she ever talented! Hubby was laughing at me as I checked out the wedding photos this morning because I was CRYING! Yes. Crying. Pretty sad, eh? Just seeing all those beautiful photos recaptured the couple's special day. It was like reliving true love all over again. You can really "feel" the emotions of that day when you look at the photos.
Truly and honestly, I am so happy for Sharmander and Rrrrren (AKA: Sha-Ren). I always cry at weddings, but this time it was different for some reason. The couple is really important, close, and special to me and you can honestly feel the love they share. I'm getting weepy again. Gah!
If you're in Montreal and in need of a photographer to capture your special moments, check out this site. Christina Esteban is one talented lady! My cousin looks so happy and his bride is absolutely stunning! Plus, there's a really cute photo of Little One on her site!
I was watching the news with Hubby and Little One, when it was announced that Archie has just proposed to Veronica! Yes, I mean Archie as in Archie, Betty, and Veronica!

Tell me that you didn't grow up collecting or reading Archie comics or Archie Digests!?

I can't believe I'm blogging about fictional comic book characters. Just out of curiosity (I know some of you really don't care either way. Fictional characters...I know!), who do you think Archie should marry? Betty? Veronica? Neither?
Speaking of REAL weddings, remember the wedding I attended in Montreal the other week? The photographer's photos are up and boy, is she ever talented! Hubby was laughing at me as I checked out the wedding photos this morning because I was CRYING! Yes. Crying. Pretty sad, eh? Just seeing all those beautiful photos recaptured the couple's special day. It was like reliving true love all over again. You can really "feel" the emotions of that day when you look at the photos.
Truly and honestly, I am so happy for Sharmander and Rrrrren (AKA: Sha-Ren). I always cry at weddings, but this time it was different for some reason. The couple is really important, close, and special to me and you can honestly feel the love they share. I'm getting weepy again. Gah!
If you're in Montreal and in need of a photographer to capture your special moments, check out this site. Christina Esteban is one talented lady! My cousin looks so happy and his bride is absolutely stunning! Plus, there's a really cute photo of Little One on her site!
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City girl moves to the country, falls in love, and marries a farmer. She tries to incorporate her city ways with her new country lifestyle and blogs to keep in touch with friends, family & students who live far, far away :) Can this city girl go country? Watch as she learns all sorts of exciting things about life on the farm and in a small rural community. *UPDATE* We are now parents! Our baby girl was born on Nov. 11, 2008 (at 28 weeks gestation- 12 weeks premature, but she's quite the trooper)!!!

I never kept up with Archie and the gang. I read a few comic strips here and there as a kid, but I don't think I ever read a full comic book.
Those pictures are stunning, and the one of Little One is so precious(and love that dress!).
Those photos are stunning and the one of LO is beautiful.
I never read Archie.
Betty over Veronica for sure.
Sent your package out yesterday, hope you get it by next week,C.
Kisses to all.
When I was a kid, I collected Archie comics for years! I had over 100 issues and a friend wanted to borrow them. I never got them back.
The dress LO is wearing in the wedding photo is a gift from her godmother (who was my maid of honour at my wedding), Mrs. Hollywood!
Really? I would have thought that Archie would have been more popular in the States than in Canada :)
Yes, I love the wedding photos! The funny thing about the photo of LO is that she pretty much looked like that ALL day and ALL evening! She was sleeping for the entire wedding! LOL!
Awwww shucks, girlfriend! You are too sweet! Thank you in advance! Hubby is grinning from ear to ear. He loves you as much as I love you! LOL! ;)
I'm with you. Betty over Veronica! BTW, word ver= gumax! Kind of appropriate since you are the Queen of The Dish! Maybe blacklicoricemax would have been an even more appropriate word ver for you! ;) XOXO
omg, i used to love reading the archie comic books...
does this mean that now he proposed, the comic strip has "jumped the shark"?
i remember getting exciting in high school (circa 1986/87) when Peter Parker proposed to longtime girlfriend, Mary Jane. I even had a pink heart poster of it on my door. yeah, nerd alert! ha ha!
word ver:
HAHA! Nerd alert! ;p I shouldn't say anything because we seem to be cut from the same cloth. Peter Parker and Mary Jane!
My brother and I used to read Marvel and DC comics as kids. Another comic series we used to read almost religiously was Power Pack. I don't think these were as popular as other Marvel comics though. It was a series that centered around a superhero team of four siblings...each with unique powers.
We LOVED Power Pack! My bro was also big into Transformers back then too.
Okay, I'd better stop talking comic books before my secret supergeek powers are revealed any further! LOL!
BTW, I was just going to call you but with the time difference, wasn't sure what was a good time to call.
Did you and TC share the bear claws with Bert?
P.S. faygra sounds like viagra.
Oooh! I'd love to read that series!
This is too funny. My friend called me yesterday and said, "Archie finally proposed to Veronica!"
I had NO IDEA what he was talking about. I wish I had read Archie growing up!
p.s. I always get sappy when I look at old wedding photos :)
I grew up with Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Moose and I am very upset that he is proposing to Veronica. i have always lived under the certainty that he and Betty would marry and raise a happy family. I want to stop him before he makes a big mistake.
When my Mom lived in the Philippines, she said that Archie and the gang were really popular in her time. I thought it was pretty much a universal thing, but I've found that not as many friends of mine in North America have read the comics! How odd that my Mom read them a lot when she was in the Philippines and it's an American comic. Well, I guess it's not that odd. There are a lot of American influences in the Philippines.
I'm still cracking up at the ladybug piggyback! Babisodes is too funny! How very observant she is! ;)
Okay, I feel better knowing that you get sappy at old wedding photos too! :)
I'm so happy that you said that! I'm wondering that since the wedding series spans 6 issues, perhaps Archie will realize marrying Veronica is a mistake? I KNOW it's a comic and they are fictional characters, but I can't help but feel really angry at his decision! Hahaha!
Why Veronica?!? I'm all for Team Betty! ;p
P.S. I always wondered how Jughead could eat that many hamburgers...and stay so skinny!!
I saw little one's photo!!!!Sweet!
I loved the music too!!!!Listening to it now! WOW!!!!!!!
gosh, i secretly harbored the thought that archie was a raging 'mo and had the hots for mr. witherby.
i've never heard of power pack - i'll have to ask bert about that.
we all shared the bear claws, but selfish me, ate most of it. tc is missing one front tooth so it's hard for her to bite things.
word ver:
No EFFING WAY. He'll break up with Ronnie when she runs off with some hot stud, and end up eloping with Betty. Otherwise, they are all DEAD TO ME FOREVER.
Power Pack...If Bert has never heard of them then I'm a super big nerd because that will mean that my bro and I were huge followers of a comic that NO ONE else knows exists! LOL!
Word ver: unness
LOL! For some reason Nessie comes to mind.
I had no idea that there would be a photo of Little One on the photographer's site! It was a pleasant surprise :) Did you see the adorable photos of my nephew too? He's so cute. Of course, being his auntie, I'm very biased.
I KNOW!!! That's how I feel! LOL!
hi c- he's never heard of power pack...or nessie...
word ver:
Oh, man! This means I'm going to have to write an entire post on the Power Pack series!!! Actually, I think it's something TC might enjoy reading if you can get your hands on some old issues.
Bert's never heard of Nessie??? I guess Hubby wouldn't know who Nessie was either. The only thing he knows about Twilight are the names Bella and Edward, and he can tell you it's something about teenage love, vampires and werewolves. That's it, that's all.
Word ver: redinn
Archie comics reminds me so much of cousins were big fans and they left them at my grandmas, so I would read them every summer.
I am SOOOOO distraught that ARchie is choosing Veronica. There must be more drama on the way... I always thought V belonged with Reggie, and Betty needs to be with Archie!!!