Thursday, November 15, 2007
Feel the love
Scene: Enter C with a big box from the post office. C sets the box on the dining room table. She excitedly opens the box to reveal a colourful assortment of Japanese snacks and Filipino spices/mixes, as well as a card, soap and a CD.

Hubby: So where is this one from?
C: From Canine in _________! OMG! She's awesome! Look at all this cool stuff! Look at all the Pocky! Men's Pocky, Strawberry Pocky...almost EVERY kind of Pocky conceivable! I'm in Pocky heaven!!!
Hello Panda chocolate-filled cookies. "New Sports Printing"
Oh, and notice the Collon in the background? Gotta love it!
Kasugai's Gummy has the taste of orange juice and comes in an attractive small bag.
I don't know where the name "Black Black" came from.
Everybody needs to have a Crunky Walking Bar!!! Do you think crunky is a little bit like "crunchy"??? Do we eat these chocolate bars when we go walking or do these bars actually walk?
Thursdays are usually inspired by Sharon, Audrey and Jane's Throwback Thursdays. This week, I decided to give a big shout out to a few people. I'll post my next Throwback Thursday next week.
Canine, THANK YOU for all the wonderful things you sent us. Opening that box made me feel like I was back in Japan! A lot of my favourite Japanese snacks were in there! I felt like a kid at Christmas! Can I tell you how thrilled I was??? Some of the items in the box filled me with memories of my life teaching and living in Japan. Some of the items just made me laugh. You know how much I love Engrish!!!
Canine, you have the coolest taste in music, food, movies...and you are a true pop culture aficionado! One last thing I must say about Canine is that she's got some mad packing skillzzz! If you need to send a care package to anywhere in the world, you need to get Canine to pack it for you. I was shocked to see how on earth she got all those things in that one box! Impressed? Yes!
Uncivil, THANKS for sending my that adorable poster collection of bulldog love. What a surprise! The one that says "Scholar" is too cute! Thank you for the really thoughtful post and for saying that I'm your favourite Canadian blogger and "the sweetest blogger on the Internet"!
You are too kind! That post is just as touching as this one from Ms.Mamma!
Seriously, you guys are the best!!! Now I feel like a loser for sending you guys SOAP!!!
C: From Canine in _________! OMG! She's awesome! Look at all this cool stuff! Look at all the Pocky! Men's Pocky, Strawberry Pocky...almost EVERY kind of Pocky conceivable! I'm in Pocky heaven!!!
Oh, and notice the Collon in the background? Gotta love it!
Thursdays are usually inspired by Sharon, Audrey and Jane's Throwback Thursdays. This week, I decided to give a big shout out to a few people. I'll post my next Throwback Thursday next week.
Canine, THANK YOU for all the wonderful things you sent us. Opening that box made me feel like I was back in Japan! A lot of my favourite Japanese snacks were in there! I felt like a kid at Christmas! Can I tell you how thrilled I was??? Some of the items in the box filled me with memories of my life teaching and living in Japan. Some of the items just made me laugh. You know how much I love Engrish!!!
Canine, you have the coolest taste in music, food, movies...and you are a true pop culture aficionado! One last thing I must say about Canine is that she's got some mad packing skillzzz! If you need to send a care package to anywhere in the world, you need to get Canine to pack it for you. I was shocked to see how on earth she got all those things in that one box! Impressed? Yes!
Uncivil, THANKS for sending my that adorable poster collection of bulldog love. What a surprise! The one that says "Scholar" is too cute! Thank you for the really thoughtful post and for saying that I'm your favourite Canadian blogger and "the sweetest blogger on the Internet"!
Seriously, you guys are the best!!! Now I feel like a loser for sending you guys SOAP!!!
cool stuff,
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About the Blog Author
City girl moves to the country, falls in love, and marries a farmer. She tries to incorporate her city ways with her new country lifestyle and blogs to keep in touch with friends, family & students who live far, far away :) Can this city girl go country? Watch as she learns all sorts of exciting things about life on the farm and in a small rural community. *UPDATE* We are now parents! Our baby girl was born on Nov. 11, 2008 (at 28 weeks gestation- 12 weeks premature, but she's quite the trooper)!!!

your one lucky girl chrissy
So umm... what does Men's Pocky taste like? Hmmm?
good thing those pocky boxes are pretty uniform in size. they were easy to pack. thank lotus for the cd because that's from her. also, she used her vacuum "food saver" to pack the soaps and the the soap wouldn't smell up the box (not that they stink because they don't) and so the juice wouldn't explode.
men's pocky has a bitter chocolate coating. i think it's better than the regular chocolate pocky.
glad you got the stuff!!! :)
Did I see some Pocky there in your photos?! Ooooo I LOVE Pocky! ;-) Yes--I do really want an eye ball soap. I'm a teacher and my students would really get a kick out of it!
Hot Mommy:
Oh, I am lucky for sure! Lucky to have great family and friends (both new and old, IRLFs and BFs) in my life! *BF as in Blog Friends and not Boyfriends!!!*
LOL! I haven't tried it yet. I told Hubby he had to eat it because it's "Men's Pocky"! LOL! Canine said it has more of a dark/bitter chocolate taste than regular Pocky.
You are AMAZING! I LOVE you and Lotus! LOL! That vacuum food saver thing is mighty impressive! You girls really know how to pack! LOL! Thanks again :) I hope Lotus gets my package when she gets home. Is Sofia adorable, or what? Gosh, she's a cutie! Lotus and Thor are so lucky :) I want one! LOL!
Yes! That was indeed Pocky that you saw there! LOL!
I'm a teacher too, and the kids really do love the eyeball! LOL! I teach ESL and before my last batch of students returned to their country, they each bought half a dozen bars of eyeball soap! I told them there are plenty of other really cool soap designs and fragrances, but they certainly do love the eyeball! LOL!
Yum Pocky. . . . .it's dangerous stuff. . . sooooo addicting! How old are your students?
What's your favourite Pocky flavour? that ever a weird question! LOL!
My students range in age. I teach ESL and I get groups of students. In the summer, my batch of students ranged from 10 to 13. This season, the student I have is 27 yrs old. When I taught overseas, I taught kindergarten and younger, elementary school, middle school, high school, university, and I also taught businessmen and a few housewives' classes. In Toronto, I taught at a private language institute and the students there were all university level or older. I did some supply teaching for an elementary school in Toronto, but my heart was in teaching ESL.
i can't afford the "food saver" vacuum thing. ha ha.
you know the one flavor of pocky i was looking for was the black sesame seed flavor (kurogoma). nijiya market normally has it, but they were all out, hence the other funky flavors i sent you. the kurogoma pocky is one of my favorite flavors besides almond crush and the Men's. when we were in NYC, we went to Pearl River Mart and saw all kinds of pocky varieties there.
we bought the 'honey' flavor (which tasted okay) and the 'grape'. while the grape looked cool because it was a lavender color, it tasted vile, like cough medicine.
yes, L & T's new baby is quite the smiley happy girl! very cute!
by the way, thanks for the email you sent with all of the links and recommendations. that'll help me with planning our trip.
I've never tried Pocky's or even heard of them?
You like "The Scholar"! That's my fave too! Then I like the one in the red shirt with shades on.
Thank you so much for my wonderful eyeball soap. I'll keep an eye out for ya!!!!LOL!!!!
Oooooooooooh! Kurogoma!!! I love that! I didn't know Pocky even came in that flavour!
Ewwww...lavender? I don't know. I like the smell, but don't think I could eat it. I know someone who makes lavender cookies, and it just seems weird to me. Maybe I need to be more open about trying new food. LOL! That was a joke, btw! I'm pretty open, but lavender in any baking just seems weird to me. Maybe I should just shut up and try it. Then again, maybe not.
I am so embarrassed, Canine! You always have so many cool things to send. I have soap! LOL! Living where you live, you have access to almost everything, so it's hard to send you something you don't have there. Do you like fudge? LOL! I can send you some! Don't worry...I won't make it. They have really good fudge on the Island (or so I'm told. I can't eat really sweet things. Well, I can, but I don't like really sweet things).
You've never heard of Pocky? :)
Yes, the Scholar is really cute! I love all four of them! Cute, cute, cute! Thank you! Merci! Arigatou! Muchas gracias!
Wow, what a lotta LOOT! Lucky you!
the pocky was lavender colored but not lavender flavored. the flavor was grape which was horrible for pocky.
hey, i can't wait to get that soap. i saw a picture of it on uncivil (or was it someone else's) blog. that is soooo rad! my daughter will love it! i want to use it too!!!
fudge is okay but a bit too sweet for me. i couldn't eat it in large quantities.
:) I love sending care packages to people, but Canine is the best care package sender EVER!
DOH!!! Really? I'm such a dink. LOL! I'm such an idiot. Okay, grape flavoured Pocky doesn't sound appealing either though. Imagine if they did have lavender flavoured Pocky? Ick! Just thinking of it makes me feel ill! LOL!
Someone loves you!
Hi! Thanks for popping by :) I'm off to check out your blog now.
:) I've been having fun sending friends some little items from the Island. It's always exciting and fun to see something in the mail!
Cool! Just looking at the pictures of all that cool stuff reminds me of when my friend and I were in Malaysia.
We loved going to the stores and looking at all the snack foods they had there; the labels, the names of things, the different flavors.
I wish I'd been able to bring more home with me.
I wish I were back there again...